EURAILTEST has been commissioned to obtain type approval for Bombardier Transport’s new Omneo Normandie train.
EURAILTEST has already worked with Bombardier Transport on a series of test campaigns on the client’s Omneo / Regio 2N stock.
The partnership continues with EURAILTEST now having been commissioned to conduct tests on the new “Omneo Normandie” trainset, which is scheduled to be put through its paces on the French national rail network (RFN) from August 2018 through into 2019.
The project involves numerous protagonists. Right from the preparatory stages, manufacturer Bombardier Transport and test organiser EURAILTEST have been backed by a working party in which Bombardier and all the other players have joined forces in an innovative approach to ensure the success of EURAILTEST’s test runs (AEF, SNCF Mobilités, SNCF Intercité and SNCF Réseau).
The test campaign on the Omneo Normandie, a ten-car trainset able to operate at revenue speeds of 200km/h, will particularly focus on confirming braking performance, in order to obtain the requisite movement authority for this version of the train.
For more productive use of the days earmarked for testing, EURAILTEST and Bombardier have opted to have two teams taking turns to perform test runs over the day.
Other tests will also be conducted on interference currents, current collection and traction performance.
The test campaign itself will be performed by the SNCF’s Railway Testing Agency (AEF) and will be the opportunity to roll-out new software for presenting braking performance test results.
The static graphs habitually set out in the appendices will be replaced by a dynamic version enabling the client to select the most relevant data and produce bespoke calculations courtesy of appropriate analysis tools.
This innovative new solution proposed in cooperation with AEF will also shortly be available for other types of test report.