
The new data processing system nCode GlyphXE™ from HBM is intended for highly efficient processing and analysis of very large data quantities, such as those produced with complex test equipment. nCode GlyphXE enables measured data to be easily evaluated after acquisition – irrespective of the measurement software used.

nCode GlyphXE can handle file formats from software packages such as MTS RPC3, DIAdem, Excel or MATLAB, and can be ideally used to enhance HBM’s catman® measurement software. nCode GlyphXE can be started directly in catman after data acquisition is concluded.

The intuitive graphical user interface makes nCode GlyphXE very simple to use. Analysis processes can simply be developed graphically. Programming knowledge, which would be essential for similar tasks in other software packages, is not required. Handling of test data can be significantly accelerated with this software.

Once defined, data processing modes can be saved to produce results and reports with a click of a button during subsequent measurements. Complicated maintenance of programmed analysis scripts is no longer necessary. A large number of predefined functions for time, frequency and statistical analyses are already integrated into nCode GlyphXE.

It even includes synchronised display of GPS and video data. In addition, customer-specific functions can be supplemented with the open-source language Python. Typical application areas for nCode GlyphXE include test equipment where large data volumes need to be analysed.

Benchmark tests with real data have shown that when using a 3GB multi-channel data file – comprising 770 million data points – nCode GlyphXE locates and extracts a requested data section of 10mins (15 million data points) in less than 10s. Example applications are found in the automotive industry and aerospace, where the number of measurement channels for a single data acquisition scan can amount to hundreds or even thousands.