The Port Authority of Barcelona (APB) has chosen ICON Multimedia’s DenevaENEVA digital signage solution, working alongside SICE following a recently awarded two-year framework agreement.
ICON Multimedia, together with the integrator SICE, will carry out the modernisation of the digital signage of the Port of Barcelona.
In this context, APB awarded SICE the framework agreement for a period of two years, who will provide a large format digital displays for dynamic digital communication under Deneva’s software.
APB’s communication plan includes comprehensively handling the information for its users and staff. Devena Transit solution is the perfect tool for its management because of its architecture, scalability and easy integration.
SICE will install different types of panels with Deneva software, which will facilitate mobility through the facilities of all travelers, users and visitors to the port, providing a high-quality service.
It will also offer its own internal communication channels, improving the corporate image of APB, or even more, content from other sources such as Smart City of Barcelona or from third parties.
The solution will allow easy migration if its necessary to extend to another locations or ports. The aim is to carry out the replacement of all types of static signage by digital possibilities offered by Devena, software for multiple devices.