LANCom PIS© (Passenger Information System) provides up-to-date passenger information on train, bus, tram and metro timetables.
It provides information about current delays, cancellations and other events in a clear and straightforward manner, enabling more effective planning of everyday trips or longer journeys.
The system has many advantages, including simple integration in various types of public transport, delays management, multilingual support, supporting IoT approaches, amongst others.
New features
GIS maps (GPS integration)
This solution enables the control centre operator to see the exact location of an individual train on the map and it calculates the arrival time and possible delays of a certain train.
The system calculates the expected arrival of the train according to an individual section, on which the train is being driven, as well as train type, speed limits. Every train composition has a GPS tracking device, which sends exact coordinates of the train’s location to the PIS server through a closed mobile network.
The received and processed data is then shown in a form of a delay on the displays at stations, where passengers can see the trains timetables.
On-board HMI for drivers
The solution helps drivers to see the train route and it shows them the estimated time of the arrival with a possible delay in real time. The user interface helps the driver to see all the data that is important for the ride, such as speed limits on an individual section, current delay, train route with all the stations’ names, estimated arrival / departure time. This data can be seen by the driver on a special HMI (Human Machine Interface) device, which is built-in on both sides of the train composition.
The data on estimated time of the arrival to a certain station is always available to the driver on an on-board HMI device and he can, therefore, react appropriately and adjust the driving speed if necessary.
On-board thermal and seat occupancy detection solution
Using an intelligent thermal and seat occupancy detection cameras for rolling stock, we can use advanced thermal and visual imaging for fire detection, occupancy detection and CCTV monitoring.
Advanced fire detection
In case a fire is detected, our system will instantly notify passengers, drivers and operators about the incoming danger through LANCom PIS video and audio notification hubs.
The dynamic fire detection algorithms consider the size, rate of the temperature increase and movement of a hotspot. This approach allows for a very low false alarm rate with the possibility of filtering out unwanted events like cigarettes or lighters.
Seat occupancy
Smart detection of seat occupancy in a passenger coach allows us to monitor how many seats are taken in each coach. With this information, we can inform passengers that are waiting on a station platform, which coaches are less occupied at the moment of the train’s arrival. Notification is done with different colours and is shown on platform displays.
This information can also be used by the rail operator to optimize the passenger flow on the platform and even to optimize the HVAC system in the train itself.
The sensors use the unique thermal signature of a person, which enables a very accurate detection.
Visit us on IT Trans
Next month we will exhibit at IT Trans fair, which will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 6-8 March 2018. You are kindly invited to visit us at our stand and to see our latest development of the LANCom PIS product!