
While developing the new generation of popular gauge, we have tried to resolve encountered problems to enhance the device reliability and accuracy, taking into account all the wishes and recommendations of our customers and partners we got during exploitation of IKP-5. Below you will find details for the upgrade that was provided.

1) The accuracy of the systems will be increased. See the following:

  • Flange height and thickness from ±0.1mm (Model 2016) to ±0.03mm-0.05mm (Model 2017)
  • Other parameters from ±0.2mm (Model 2016) to ±0.1mm (Model 2017)

More than double the increase of accuracy was achieved by using new electronics (ARM-processor based) for laser sensor and advanced algorithms of sensors data processing.

2) The discreteness of the profile formation has been updated, from more than 3,200 points or 0.045 mm (Model 2016) to more than 5,800 points or 0.025 mm (Model 2017). Processor memory was also increased.

3) The number of measurements that can be taken before battery recharge is more than 1,000 for Model 2016, and 5,000 for Model 2017. Now we are using the 5,400mAh Li-ion rechargeable battery and upgraded stepper motor driver with optimized power consumption.

4) The laser module battery lifetime is 5 million (Model 2017) due to the usage of the Li-ion rechargeable battery.

5) The working temperature range was updated from -15°C to 35°C (Model 2016) to -30°C to 50°C (Model 2017). This temperature range was broadened due to the use of Li-ion rechargeable battery and careful temperature calibration of the gauge.

6) The enclosure rating from IP42 (Model 2016) was changed to IP42 or IP64 (Model 2017) due to the silicon sealing of the caps.

7) Problems occurring when working with shiny surfaces and surfaces with large slope are solved by Model 2017. Adaptive scanning speed (speed changes depending on surface quality) is applied and dynamic range of laser sensor is increased. The new IKP-5, Model 2017 manual is available here. The new gauge is available for orders.

And we’d like to remind you about special model of Laser Wheel Profilometer with Super Short handle and external battery, developed especially for Ansaldo Breda low floor trams, which have very limited space for profilometer installing (see IKP-5 Manual).

We hope you’ll enjoy working with the modified device. Please visit the RIFTEK website to find out more.