
KEYMILE has joined the Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes (UNIFE), the Brussels-based European Rail Industry Association.

Telecommunications supplier KEYMILE has been providing railway communications solutions for many years. At this year’s UNIFE general assembly in Bucharest it was accepted as a member of the European Rail Industry Association.

KEYMILE’s telecommunications solutions support railways applications such as ERTMS, the European Rail Traffic Management System. The company is committed to the safe and secure transition of ERTMS to packet-based data transmission. KEYMILE is also an established supplier for GSM-R backhauling and other mission-critical railway telecommunications systems, and the company will contribute to the cyber-security aspects that pose increasing challenges to its railways customers.

"We are proud to be part of UNIFE and underline with our membership our focus on the mission-critical railway market", explains Axel Föry, CEO of KEYMILE in Hanover. "We are looking forward to a close working relationship with the members of UNIFE to support the joint developments of innovative and secure communication standards for the railway industry."

Philippe Citroën, director general of UNIFE, comments: "UNIFE is delighted to add 13 new members to our growing ranks this year which is indicative of the vitality of the European rail industry and the broader rail sector. I am particularly happy to welcome KEYMILE within UNIFE and I am looking forward to a fruitful cooperation with their representatives!"

UNIFE has represented the European railway industry in Brussels since 1992. The association’s members include more than 80 large and small manufacturers involved in developing, making, maintaining and modernising railway transport systems, sub systems and associated equipment. UNIFE is also made up of 15 railway-industry associations across Europe. The UNIFE members have a market share of 84 percent in Europe and supply 46 percent of the global production of railway technology and services. UNIFE represents the interests of its members at a European and international level. It also actively promotes EU railway technology and standards in Europe and abroad.