
Using infrastructure efficiently requires carefully analysing timetables and capacity, a task that can only be completed using high-quality software such as TRENOplus and trenissimo.

Trenolab has helped many clients develop integrated railway service and infrastructure plans. We start by developing and validating timetable scenarios and simulation models following a detailed analysis of current operations. These models are then used to assess alternative options for services and to identify any additional infrastructure needed to operate the proposed service. In all cases, the goal is to minimise infrastructure costs.

The service and infrastructure alternatives are developed in close collaboration with clients using a planning loop. In this approach, feedback is used to constantly refine alternative solutions. The analysis software is run many times, schedules are modified and infrastructure measures are added or deleted.

Trenolab works closely with our clients throughout the process helping them understand and evaluate the trade-offs inherent in long-term railway service planning. These include fully considering the trade-offs between capacity and reliability, balancing infrastructure costs with timetable requirements, and estimating operating costs for service alternatives. Our objective is to support our clients in identifying an optimal solution for their railway.