Trenolab provides software and consulting services to railway operators, public authorities and infrastructure managers helping them plan highly efficient and reliable timetables, leading to happier customers and reduced costs.
We have developed several software tools designed to analyse, develop and evaluate timetables and railway operations. As software developers, we are able to customise our products to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our software tools are outlined below.
As consultants, our experience developing software helps us identify the best analysis tools for solving complicated problems and helps us use these tools to develop optimal solutions quickly and effectively. Our consulting specialties include timetable analysis and planning, data analysis for railway operations, integrated railway service and infrastructure planning, and timetable optimisation for concession bids. See the products and services page for more about our consulting work.
Railway timetable planning software
TRENOplus is a timetable planning tool designed to help operators increase railway service and reliability. We developed TRENOplus using the latest research in network analysis modelling and algorithm solution development.
TRENOplus is a macroscopic railway traffic flow model designed to help plan detailed railway timetables. It uses the trenissimo microscopic model to provide information on estimated running times.
The microscopic model displays line and platform usage based on predicted headway times, in addition to automatically estimating the times from the position of signals. It shows results as a graphic timetable with blocking time steps.
TRENOplus is based on a scalable database management system that can be used with any number of vehicles, and on all types of networks from urban metros to high-speed and mixed-traffic railways.
Railway traffic data analysis software
TRENOanalysis helps planners develop effective measures for improving railway service quality by identifying the causes of delays and quantifying their impacts.
The software enables analysts to examine real and simulated traffic data. Results include detailed delay data such as reliability indicators, as well as information on critical points. Results are displayed in a range of diagrams and tables that can be customised to meet the specific needs of our clients.
TRENOanalysis is designed to be used together with TRENOplus to help analyse and compare alternative timetable solutions. The tool’s clear visualisations help analysts understand and explain the analysis results.
Railway simulation software
Trenissimo is an intuitive microscopic railway simulation program designed to provide accurate and useful results. The software provides a straightforward user interface and enables users to fully consider the many factors that affect railway operations. It can be easily integrated into our TRENO suite of programmes for quick setup.
Trenissimo realistically models railway operations, including traffic management, train driver behaviour and the impact of passengers on stop times. These factors are critical for accurately simulating complex train networks, such as metro systems.
Trenissimo can be used to evaluate timetable alternatives and infrastructure investments to determine their operational benefits and costs. These data can be used by railway operators to optimise their network design and operations.
Railway data management software
TRENOexport is our solution for quickly and accurately exporting railway data into OpenTrack™ railway simulation software. It can be used to export data from very large networks with minimal errors.
TRENOexport features smart algorithms and provides an intuitive interface to a powerful database. It helps users by automatically choosing the right datasets and parameters required for an OpenTrack™ simulation.