The UK and Welsh governments have collaborated on a new study to explore options for new stations and services on the South Wales Main Line.

Supported by £2.7m funding from the UK Government, the study will consider a series of options, including the development of five new stations between Cardiff and Severn Tunnel.

The government focused on strengthening transport links to form a more cohesive and connected UK following the publication of Lord Peter Hendy’s Union Connectivity Review last year.

It revealed the importance of travel across the border between Wales and England, as more people travel daily for work, services and leisure.

This study is said to follow Lord Hendy’s recommendations from his review of transport connectivity across the UK.

It will focus on reducing congestion on the M4, a key connector between south Wales and the rest of the UK.

UK Transport Minister Richard Holden said: “Delivering better transport links is a vital part of how we transform opportunities for people from across the United Kingdom.

“That’s why I am so delighted that, working with the Welsh Government, we are getting the ball rolling on in-depth work to boost connectivity and drive growth.”

Furthermore, Lord Hendy suggested the review of the route connecting north Wales to the north-west of England and better connectivity with HS2.

Other proposals include a package of railway enhancements to improve connectivity and lower journey times between Cardiff, Birmingham and beyond.