TELICE, a company founded in 1973, is a supplier and systems integrator of electrification, signaling and communication projects, as well as technical products and solutions for the railway industry.
The Spain-based company is involved in several projects across the world as it is currently undergoing an international expansion plan in the UK, Norway and Peru among others.
Design, installation and maintenance for the railway overhead contact line
TELICE is a prime contractor for the overhead contact line (OCL) on both conventional and high-speed projects. The company’s capabilities cover the entire project lifecycle, from design to procurement, installation, testing and maintenance.
TELICE is an expert in building new electrification systems for non-electrified railway lines, as well as refurbishing and overhauling existing lines. More than 1,200km of overhead lines on conventional, tram or high-speed railways are proof of TELICE’s motto: Technology in the field.
One of the latest successful projects is the OCL installation in the high-speed Spanish north-west corridor. Cities of Valladolid and León are now closer thanks to SITAVE, a TELICE & SIEMENS joint venture.
TELICE’s expertise and innovation has led to the development of the tCat workstation. It is a pioneering device in the overhead line equipment (OLE) surveying area, due to its ease of use, speed and precision. A new updated and improved version is about to be launched, with electronics and sensors based on new technologies such as LIDAR.
Railway energy from power supply to heating systems for switches
Comprehensive project management of power supply systems developed by TELICE includes design and implementation of high voltage lines, technical buildings, outdoor and indoor equipment, as well as control systems.
The company designs and delivers local and remote controls for OCL disconnectors for railway lines or rail depots, including their corresponding human machine interface (HMIs).
ICEBURNER Project is another example of the innovation spirit at TELICE. Traditional and highly inefficient resistive heating systems in railway switches are substituted by induction coils. This system results in an increase of current-to-heat efficiency from 20% to more than 80%.
tComet, a spin-off for railway communications
tComet (TELICE COMET) installs and provides innovative solutions for field testing and maintenance of copper and fibre optics communication systems. The tIUCS product (TELICE Intelligent Underground Communication and Safety) provides safety and communication solutions for people working in tunnelling and mining, as well as control and supervision in the office and on the move.
Reliable railway signalling installation
TELICE carries out the installation, adjustment and testing of rail signalling systems. Field devices comply with the Spanish ASFA or the European ERTMS/ETCS standards, depending on traffic management requirements of the Railway Administrator.
Dynamic testing of railway viaducts and bridges
Through innovation, HAMMER Project allows TELICE to position itself in new market niches. In collaboration with other reputed companies in the railway industry, a prototype for dynamic testing of railway bridges is being developed.
This device monitors the viaduct structural integrity by inducing an intensity-controlled vibration. Different excitation functions can be selected, reaching values in the range of those produced by high-speed trains.
HAMMER system can provide two big advantages. It can enable better reliability, representativeness and repeatability in the current dynamic load tests in new bridges.
In addition, by performing the same tests in the same structure at different moments in time, any variation in the dynamic response will be a sign of any kind of degradation to be studied afterwards in deeper detail. Therefore, it can be an effective predictive maintenance (PdM) tool for railway administrators.
SCADAs for the railway, roads and more
The company has developed different supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) computer systems for many types of processes and installations. TELICE’s proprietary SCADA systems allow the integration of Industry4.0 technology. Through web services, they can communicate with third-party systems and Internet of Things devices.
TELICE Cloud SCADA is a clear example of this philosophy, as it is scalable to a software as a service (SAAS) distribution model. Both the software and managed data are server-stored, providing client’s immediate access to their systems via internet.
Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are a wide range of services that use information and communications technology aiming to improve transportation and mobility. The TELICE road tunnel SCADA is an ITS multi-tunnel solution for surveillance, control-command and standardised-data archiving. It monitors and controls all equipment concerning the tunnel environment such as lighting, ventilation fans, variable message signs, fire-fighting equipment, and traffic surveillance systems, allowing for intelligent maintenance.
Cutting-edge TELICE technology for everyone
TELICE has made environmental and community services an integral part of its approach.
As a part of its corporate social responsibility, TELICE supports the tMA Foundation (TELICE Magnetic Anomaly). This non-profit organisation encourages entrepreneurship, leadership, science and technology skills in the community with Projects such as Fab Lab León, which is part of a worldwide network providing access to digital fabrication in small-scale workshops.