For nearly 35 years, LEROY AUTOMATION has been designing, manufacturing and integrating rail automation components for implementing train control and management systems (TCMS), computer-based train control (CBTC) and signalling solutions (ETCS).
LEROY AUTOMATION offers commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products and turnkey bespoke design and integration services, covering a full range of control, communication, monitoring management and diagnostics in train and transit operations. These range from speed sensing and automatic door control to heating, air conditioning, ventilation, brakes, fault indication, lighting control and traction power-pack automation.
The company holds ISO 9001: 2008 and IRIS Rev.02 (international railway industry standard) certifications.
LEROY AUTOMATION has been accredited as a sustainable and best-in-class corporate social responsibility practices company by ECOVADIS.
Embedded PLC for train control, communication, management and diagnostic systems
LEROY AUTOMATION has manufactured more than 60,000 RIOM products deployed worldwide for use in railway automation applications under the most extreme conditions as vehicle control units (VCU), remote I / Os (RIO) and communication gateways.
RIOM is an EN50155-compliant embedded programmable logic controller (PLC) designed to be integrated into train control and management systems (TCMS, CBTC and ETCS). Compatible with any train network interfaces (RS232, RS485 / RS422, CAN2.0, MVB, LonWorks, Ethernet), RIOM is a very versatile and flexible platform thanks to its multiple communication ports.
Featuring very powerful processing capabilities, the RIOM is well-suited for real-time automation functions, as well as supervising train functions and operations or drive communication gateways on any communication networks and protocols, such as TCP and UDP sockets, Ethernet / IP – CIP, IPTCOM, MODBUS, PROFIBUS, PROFINET and IEC 61375 TRDP.
Our PLC products can be programmed using the IEC 61131-3 STRATON workbench (PLC open-compliant), or using the C / C++ board support package for real-time Linux OS.
Ethernet-based remote I / O terminal for on-board rail and transit rolling stocks
The BRIO product range is an EN50155-compliant remote I / O module for Ethernet-based networks embedded into railway applications.
The specifications include:
- Size-6U rack-mountable or standalone panel-mount solution
- Full range power supply from 24Vdc to 110Vdc (train battery voltage-compliant)
- Ethernet (M12) communication channel supporting the following protocols: Ethernet / IP – CIP, UDP or Modbus / TCP.
- I / O configurations, including 40 digital inputs and 10 digital outputs; 32 digital inputs and 16 solid-state relay outputs; two analog voltage (±10Vdc) and two analog current type inputs (±20mA); and one analog output: 0Vdc-10Vdc and 0mA-20mA
- Optional: RS485 / CAN2.0 communication port
Automation of electrical traction power substations
The LT ENERGY product range is suitable for high-voltage switch management in electrical power substations. Input / output blocks are specially designed to control circuit-breakers, switches and isolating switches.
The software programming tool is based on the IEC 61131-3 STRATON workbench from COPA-DATA.
The main technical specifications are:
- 1MB data storage
- Embedded web server
- FTP, NTP, and SNMP V3
- MODBUS master and slave configurations
- Ethernet / IP – CIP
- IEC 61850 / IEC 60870
- DNP 3.0 (Level 2)
The secure input / output block can control four high-voltage switches. The command of the open relay outputs is four times redundant.
Railway references
RIOM products were embedded in high-speed trains, passenger trains, light rail vehicle, metros and transit rolling stocks, as well as locomotives. The high-speed trains include the Alstom AGV world rail speed record train (574.8km/h) and NTV (Italia). The passenger trains include PRASA in South Africa, West Coast Main Line and Juniper trains in the UK, Fortaleza in Brazil, Cercanias in Spain and DB Frame in Germany, as well as trains in Stockholm, Sweden; Copenhagen, Denmark; and Tage, Portugal.
The tramways include Jerusalem, Lyon in France and Nantes in France, as well as major international cities such as Istanbul and Ottawa.
The metros include Budapest, Barcelona, Helsinki and Rennes with Siemens Mobility. Locomotive central control units have been deployed in Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Middle-East countries.
LEROY AUTOMATION’s international projects include:
- Metro cars and driverless automatic metro cars in international capital cities and regional towns
- Suburban trains for the passenger rail agency of South Africa (PRASA)
- Regional trains (Regiolis) through many French regions
- Light rail vehicles (tram-train) for Ottawa in Ontario, Canada
- Tramway cars (Citadis) for European cities
- Locomotives (EP20, 2ES5, KZ8) for Russia and Kazakhstan
- High-speed trains (TGV Euroduplex, AGV) for SNCF and RFF
LT energy has been used by the 25kV French high-speed train lines (world FIP version) and the South Korean high-speed train network.