Modern railway networks, including high-speed railways and urban mass rapid systems, rely on state-of-the-art signalling and communication systems to ensure safe and reliable operations.
Discover top suppliers of railway signalling and communications equipment and systems
Railway Technology has listed leading manufacturers and suppliers of signalling and communication systems. These established providers offer best-in-class systems for train control, signalling, data and telecommunications, operations support, and traffic management.
The information available in the document is useful for procurement officers, maintenance engineers, railway project managers, signal operators, communications specialists and other individuals involved in the acquisition, integration, operation, and maintenance of rail signalling and communication systems.
The download contains detailed information on the manufacturers and suppliers, as well as their product offerings and contact details.
See Also:
Signalling and communications for railways
Railway signalling equipment and communications systems can include:
- Train control and signalling systems and services
- Data and telecommunications solutions for railway communications
- Parts and Drawings System (PADS)-approved cabinets and enclosures for communications, customer information systems (CIS)//station information and security systems (SISS) and signalling
- Radio frequency systems
- Railway network communications solutions
- On-board electronic devices and communication solutions
- Fibre-optic systems and wireless communication in railways
- Train collision avoidance and track personnel protection systems
- 5G/future railway mobile communication system (FRMCS) connectivity and internet of things (IoT)/analytics solutions for automated railway operations
Automatic signalling in railways
Automatic signalling systems, such as computer and relay-based interlocking solutions, automatic train protection and operation systems, rolling stock diagnostics, and speed control technologies, increase the safety and efficiency of railway assets.
Communication-based train control (CBTC) systems increase capacity and reduce headways by enabling seamless operations in driver, driverless or completely unattended train operation modes.
Automated systems integrate human-machine interface and bi-directional radio communication capabilities for autonomous monitoring and control of rolling stock and high system availability for railway operators.