US rail components and services provider Wabtec Corporation has opened its new “manufacturing campus” in India. 

The plant in Rohtak, Haryana state, will produce rail components and subsystems, according to Wabtec. 

This will include: axle mounted disc brake systems, distributor valves, brake calipers, and actuators, as well as friction material for freight cars, metro coaches, and locomotives for Indian Railways. 

The range of products is expected to increase as the factory matures. The investment of $18m was made to align with the Modi government’s “Made in India” strategy, which incentivises Indian firms to buy parts and products that are made in the country. 

But it’s not Wabtec’s first foray into India. It has existing sites in Hosur, Tamil Nadu state; and in the southern city Bengaluru. 

The corporation employs 3,000 people across India, now including 300 people in Rohtak. 

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Credit: Wabtec

Sujatha Narayan, Senior Vice President of Wabtec and lead of the Indian business explained growth is baked-in to the plan. 

“We intend to grow this site with plans to invest an additional $10 million (Rs. 80 crores) over the next few years. We currently employ 300 people and as the business grows, we do intend to add another 200 employees,” she explained.