The Basque Country’s autonomous infrastructure provider, Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS), has awarded the latest construction contract for Bilbao’s new metro line. 

A joint venture of Acciona, Sacyr, Altuna y Uria and Bycam will build the 2.8km underground section of the 6.3km line through the centre of the city. Along with tunnelling under the city and constructing new ventilation systems, two new stations will be built to service the line, as part of the joint venture contract.

Expected costs for the central segment of the new line runs to €88.1m ($96m) and work is expected to begin in September. 

The new line will connect the Etxebarri and Usánsolo quarters directly, cutting out the need to change trains in the busy central zone. The Bengoetxe and Galdakao neighbourhoods will benefit from new stations on the route. The intention, according to ETS, is to improve services from the Ibaizabal district to the centre.

Currently, local metro services share a dual track with Euskotran trains, the Basque regional rail service. This line will be shut down once the new line and its station are ready. 

The full line is due to reach completion in 2029.