
ENSCO offers fully integrated data management and analysis software packages using web-based applications.

One user interface provides a fully integrated offering of ENSCO data management and analysis software packages using common architecture, data structures, and asset databases.

  • Digital Track Notebook® (DTN): easy to use web-based software application automates inspection schedules, maintenance, defect identification, and follow-up records into a centralized data management system for regulatory compliance and reporting
  • TrackIT®: reduces the time and labor required to access information commonly used to plan maintenance, investigate track-related accidents, and generate reports. The web application lets personnel query and view the condition, infrastructure and planning information
  • Automated Maintenance Advisor (AMA): Web-based application to trend deteriorating conditions and automate identification of remedial maintenance tasks
  • GeoEDIT 8: windows-based graphical analysis and reporting of track measurement data
  • Virtual Track Walk (VTW): high-resolution, synchronized track images tagged with milepost numbers and GPS coordinates to be inspected in the office
  • VAMPIRE®: vehicle / track interaction software from the Resonate Group® simulates rail vehicles on the track. ENSCO Rail is the North and South American distributor for this industry standard software