
Bertolotti can design different type of platforms for roof access, fixed on floor or supported by building columns or anchored to the roof.

The most widely used solution is a platform on both sides of the train, which walkways are composed by a fixed part and a mobile automated edge on the train side, complete with transversal barriers in correspondence of the two ends of the train. On the opposite to the train there is a hand-rail to complete the protection for personnel. In this ways a secured area is realized on the train roof and operators can work safely and fully comfortable for maintenance operations.

Anyway Bertolotti consider more flexible to use movable platforms to perform maintenance.

Mobile platforms BertUP250 and BertUP450

Mobile and independent platforms equipped with hand-rails can be also supplied to work alone or in double configuration.

The machine can be used for the access of the train sides and for windows and doors maintenance. At specific level it allows the train roof access. In this configuration, the platform must work paired with a second platform, in order to create an area of safe work on the roof, by safety barriers that each of them is equipped with


From 500 kg to 1000 kg, from 4 meters length to 6 meters, they move close to the train on steel rails, embedded in the concrete or with rubber wheels, with optic guiding system, with batteries or cable drum.

The real innovation of this kind of machine is that they are moving on rubber wheels and for this reason there is no necessary to use steel rails embedded on depot floor. Furthermore an optical guiding system will always allow the operator to move straight on, using only a guiding stripe placed in the floor.

Flexibility is the great advantage of this platform that can be stored, after the use, in a corner of the depot, leaving all the space free and usable for other activities.