
Liquids are some of the most valuable goods and when it comes to measuring them, every kilogram counts. They also move about more than any other type of goods, and can actually only be measured accurately when completely still.

MULTIRAIL® LiquidWeight has been optimised for weighing liquids while eliminating key disturbing factors. This certified system enables you to weigh with precision almost any type of wagon or complete train sets.

Efficient, economic material management

The MULTIRAIL® LiquidWeight solution is installed without gaps or foundations to avoid additional influences on the wagon while it is in motion. It enables rail vehicles to be weighed dynamically and with high precision, something that was not possible with liquid freight until now.

The system can operate with precision at weighing speeds of up to 10km/h. If not being weighed, wagons can travel at the permissible speed for the track. It is also optimised for monitoring wheel, axle and wagon load and the position of centre of gravity of the wagon.

Gapless system integration

MULTIRAIL® LiquidWeight comprises concrete weighing sleepers with high-precision weighing sensors, which transfer forces and torques and precisely measure the vertical force components. The weighing system is integrated into the track without gaps. Weight values are recorded and processed by the scale electronics and individually adapted PC systems.

The system can also be calibrated in accordance with OIML R 106-1. Calibration approval for the EU including CH, etc. (EC-type examination certificate).