
A flexible platform providing automated movement authorities with any interlocking and easy integration to any open architected traffic management system (TMS); reduce infrastructure renewal costs, operational costs and overlay your chosen business systems.

Scalable signalling control systems

Our signalling control systems are installed throughout the UK, managing high density, mixed traffic, and complex areas as well as simple rural routes.

From analogue to digital, Scalable connected to all types of interlocking to drive down the costs and disruption of infrastructure renewals. Our software takes care of the interface to the complex safety level of the railway.

We interact with your TMS to give you seamless operational control across the framework, ensuring lasting benefit through improvements to daily operations. Our open architecture is designed for easy interfaces so that networks can become more connected in a cost-efficient and sustainable way. In the fast-changing world of digital transport, Scalable is built for evolution.

Key benefits of scalable:

  • Route-wide configurable control: manage the network from any work station
  • Automatic Route Setting (ARS): maximum efficiency, even in complex areas
  • Connects seamlessly to all types of interlocking – reduces renewal capital costs
  • Flexible digital platform: simple integration through APIs to external data feeds, traffic management systems and business systems
  • Reduced renewal and lifecycle costs: sustainable system designed for existing infrastructures and changing environments