
The availability of various types of mobile devices and the development of the technology allowing for transmitting information to such devices in a smooth and safe manner have resulted in significant interest in such solutions among employers hiring mobile employees.

The technology of mobile devices has gathered particular interest in the railway industry.

Apart from using it as a passenger communication channel and for ticket sales, this is also an opportunity to facilitate communication with mobile employees (train drivers, train managers).

As early as in 2012, DPK System perceived such a need and was the first company in Poland to implement a mobile application for conductor crews using Pidion BIP 1300-3A mobile terminal.

The experiences gathered, and the openness to state-of-the-art technologies have helped us create the RMS mobile application integrated with the DPK Railways system, dedicated for train crew employees.

The RMS mobile application has made it possible to automate regular activities, providing always up-to-date information to employees, and has resulted in better organisation, improving work efficiency wherever used.

Equipping train crew employees with mobile devices with RMS application has solved problems with:

  • Providing updated schedules
  • Recording and documenting the employee’s work (electronic work record)
  • Provision of necessary documentation to employees
  • Getting employee acquainted with the updated list of works to do
  • Continuous communication between the employer and the employee (reporting events, failures, messages)

Core functionalities of the RMS application:

Schedule presentation

Individual work schedules are supplied to mobile devices. Any changes to the employee’s working time schedule are transmitted to one’s mobile device. The schedule data are updated in the device with simultaneous user notification.

Task details presentation

After clicking on the task name in the working time schedule window, task details window opens (activities to be done).

Train schedule presentation

After clicking on the train number in the task details window or in the train schedule search engine, the current train schedule is displayed.

Working time records in the form of electronic work record

The functionality of recording employee working time in the form of electronic work record is an important element of the mobile application.
The work record is a document that confirms the work completed by the employee. Such a document records (automatically or manually) all significant data needed to settle employee working time, vehicle, transport, and presenting the course of work for inspection purposes.

Direct communication

The application allows for two-way sending of reports, notifications, and messages between the employee and the employer.

Document folder

There is also a functionality to allow sending of various documentation to be read by the employee to one’s tablet.
The assumption is to send such documents in the form of files in the generally used format (pdf). The file content can be read using the application on a mobile device, and the employee must confirm getting acquainted with the document.

Currently, the application has been implemented by several carriers in Poland, including Koleje Mazowieckie (about 1200 devices) and Przewozy Regionalne (about 4000 devices).

The application forms an integral part of the DPK Railways system for employee working time planning, management, and settlement.