
DYSTEN has signed a contract with one of Poland’s largest public transport companies KZKGOP.

The company will construct the devices of the Dynamic Passenger Information System at 462 public transport stops in the Silesian region, making it the biggest system of this kind to be operated in Poland.

On 29 August, in the headquarters of the Municipal Transport Union of the Upper Silesian Industrial District in Katowice a contract was signed for the realisation of the second stage of this huge investment of the value of more than zl36.6m. The works will be co-financed in 75% by the Centre for EU Transport Projects (CEUTP).

The completion of the system comprises the design, supply, installation, integration, implementation and maintenance of the system and devices. The system will include:

  • 400 electronic six-line double-sided boards with surveillance cameras
  • Six electronic 12-line one-sided boards with surveillance (in Tychy)
  • 50 electronic six-line double-sided boards with surveillance cameras (in Tychy)
  • Six electronic six-line double-sided boards with surveillance (in Bieruń)
  • 170 mobile devices in vehicles operated by MZK Tychy

The development of the system aims to enhance the comfort of passengers and increase the safety of all users of the public space. The ITS displays will include built-in surveillance cameras, which will enable a prompt intervention of the police or fire service if required.

Apart from the information about the next arrivals and departures, the system will enable the display of special information such as weather warnings and messages about delayed or cancelled services.

After pressing the TTS button embedded in the post, each device will read aloud all information presented on the screen, which is of particular importance for visually impaired passengers.

Nowadays, KZKGOP brings together 29 municipalities and is one of the key organisers of public transport in Europe. Every month almost 30 million passengers use the network, including bus and tram services. Due to its development, this single passenger information system will operate within the municipalities of Tychy and Bieruń.

The tender required long-term preparations and analyses. During the press conference, KZKGOP president Roman Urbańczyk emphasised the commitment of DYSTEN to the first stage of this investment and congratulated the company on winning the award of the British International Transport News trade magazine for the best European manufacturer of passenger information displays for the railway industry in 2018.

Passenger information systems similar to the one being currently constructed in the south of Poland are commonly used all over the world in Paris in France, London in the UK or Berlin in Germany. This trend deepens as dynamic passenger information gets to rail, bus, and tram interchange stations as well as single stops. In Poland, dynamic passenger information is being included more and more often as part of interchange stations, but also of reconstructed railway stations or modernised railway lines.