
Rail Corrugation Anayser

Rather than measurement on foot, the Rail Corrugation Analyser, or RCA, allows users to measure irregularities, particularly rail corrugation, from a vehicle.

The RCA was initially designed for use on grinding trains at typical speeds of 3km-15km / h. More recently versions of the RCA have been made to work over the speed range of 0.5km / h (on a milling train) to 50km / h (on a hi-rail vehicle, where the equipment is used to help programme rail grinding).

The equipment has been designed with the user in mind, to provide concise information that is relevant to re-profiling.

The RCA has been used in the following areas:

  • Rail re-profiling
  • Corrugation surveys
  • Measurement of irregularities, particularly those that are relevant to ground-borne noise and vibration

Validation of the equipment is also considered here.