
The converter is designed to convert line voltage circuit DC 1.5kV to a stabilised voltage of control power system and to charge the battery of electric locomotives. The converter can be used in new models of electric locomotives, as well as for the replacement of engine converters in renewable electric locomotives.

Design features

The auxiliary power converter has two independent channels:

  • stabilised voltage supply channel 50±2V, with load currents of 100A
  • regulated charge batteries channel with stable current of 50A, the voltage limitation of 65V 100A increases the reliability of the power system and provides full charge of the battery, thus extending battery life.

No loss on idle increases system efficiency

Microprocessor control of the converter provides an output parameters, multi-level system of protection and diagnostic, which verifies the operation of the basic units, display of operating mode and error
Information on the status of the converter is transmitted to the operator’s control panel. The converter automatically turns on when there is voltage circuit, including, after a momentary failure voltage circuit.

The converter automatically disconnects from the supply network when the voltage of the contact network drops over 1,100V or increase above 2,000V. The converter is designed in the form of separate, functionally complete, easily removable units placed in metal core and connected via combined connectors which provide fast repair and serviceability.