
The first complex for mechanised and manual washing of locomotives has been opened on Obktyabrskaya Road, Moscow, Russia.

The washing complex is equipped with equipment supplied by the Spanish company Aquafrisch. Compared to analogues, it has an increased ability for operation and reliability.

The main difference between this complex and previously constructed washing points is that, for the first time, a location for the mechanised and manual washing of locomotives has been combined.

Russian Railways are investing in the construction of mechanised washing complexes in the Depot of the Traction Directorate, as well as performing external washing of bodies and interior cleaning of cabins.

The new complex has the capacity to clean up to 60 two-section locomotives per day. At the same time, it takes about 25 minutes to wash a two-section locomotive at a mechanical station, and 40 minutes at a manual station.

The new complex provides sufficient reserve in cases of an increase in the seasonal flow of locomotives or a possible increase in the TO-2 plan at the facility.

The process begins when the locomotive enters the complex. First, the machine passes at a speed of 1-2km/h through the pre-wetting circuit, where water is applied to the surface of the body to soften contaminants and bring the body surface temperature to the operating temperature.

Then the locomotive passes through the circuit for applying the detergent solution. After its application, a mechanical grinding of the surface takes place in the brush module. The brushes have a special profile that repeat the lateral contour of the locomotive.

Next, the locomotive moves to the racks equipped with high-pressure apparatuses, where manual washing of the frontal parts of the body, as well as the intersection space, is performed. Using pressure washers, you can wash inaccessible places on the body. On the overpass, interior cleaning of cabins and engine room is carried out.

After that, the locomotive moves through the brush mechanisms, where the final washing off of the detergent residues from the side surfaces of the body takes place, passes through the rinse circuit with clean water and enters the drying zone. Here, through high-pressure air flow, residual moisture is blown off the surface of the body. Then the locomotive passes through the frames with photocells, and the central processor (or the operator manually) gives a signal about the end of the wash.

The manual washing process is similarly arranged. In 2018, 11 points of manual washing of locomotives were built on the network.