MTM Power, the specialist for individual power supplies, offers DC/DC converters in a brick case with an input of 110V (66V to 160V).
The PMD100 110WQB in a quarter brick case (57.9mm x 36.8mm x 12.7mm) has an output power of 100W, while the PMD150 110WHB in a half brick case (57.9mm x 61mm x 12.7mm) supplies 150W. The output voltages are 5V, 12V or 24V.
They have a high efficiency up to 93% and they work at an ultrawide temperature range of -40°C to +100°C. The converters are built in a plastic case with aluminium base plate. Further significant technical features are remote on/off control, external output voltage trimming, undervoltage lockout, continuous short circuit protection and overvoltage protection.
All models meet the safety requirements of UL 60 950-1 and EN 50 155 and comply with EN 61 373 as regards shock and vibration. With an external filter, the converters also meet the EMC requirements of EN 50 155 / EN 50 121-3-2 for use in railway applications.
For more information please contact MTM Power.