
MTM Power GmbH, the specialist for high quality power supplies, offers in its programme the 19in Euro Card with up to six different, galvanically isolated outputs with 6TE or 8TE. With the MTM Power Card of the series MPK, an unexpected variety of possibilities can be created for 19in applications. Approximately 1,000 different power supply variations with an output power of up to 100W can be realised. As in a construction kit, the 19in power supplies can be individually assembled with three basic components: front plate, PCB and H15 connector, as well as the vacuum encapsulated MTM Power modules.

The MPK2 offers one mounting position for PCB modules of the series PMA, PMAS and PMN with an output power of 50W to 100W, either with single, dual or triple outputs. With the MTM Power Card, power supply variations can be realised in seconds. If requested, a separate LED for each output can be included on the front plate. As customised power supplies have the same dimensions and pinning, even these can be realised for 19in applications.