
Following an order for high-power traction systems for electric locomotives in Poland, Ingeteam’s engineering and R&D team has carried out several improvements on the traction converter and high-voltage cell.

Those upturns are mainly focused on the accomplishment of new European standards applicable in the country, including EN12663, EN15227, IEC61373 and EN45545 HL2, customer’s new requirements, strengthen system reliability, and additionally, easier maintainability, improved cooling and additional predictive protections have been achieved.

The system test of these traction systems will be done in Ingeteam’s new system test laboratory facilities in order to fulfill mentioned standards and strengthen the overall robustness of the system, together with challenging noise and energy requirements fulfillment.

INGETEAM has already supplied traction converters based on its High Power Basic Power Modules for more than 20 electric and diesel-electric locomotives for the Polish market.