
CATER has expanded its flexible range of purpose-built rail testers to offer another alternative to larger RFD vehicles. It now includes a small hirail diesel 4WD unit based on arguably the most advanced RFD system available.

Developed for networks requiring cost-efficient rail testing without compromising detection performance, the new CATER unit is applicable to all rail networks looking for automated test regimes without incurring the cost of a larger base vehicle. These SUV or truck-based units are more expensive in the initial purchase price and for ongoing maintenance costs.

The HANDWave system uses the single rail system (SRT) as a base unit and with the use of an adaptor kit, two SRTs can be configured to form a genuine dual rail tester (DRT) that can be pushed by hand or towed by a vehicle. This capability is unique as it allows the operator to choose which configuration is best for their purpose. Changing configurations between SRT and DRT takes only a minute or two.

Continuous testing and ‘Stop and Check’ regimes are possible on both of the proven and reliable HANDWave single (SRT) and dual (DRT) rail tester configurations. By using a vehicle capable of easy on and off tracking and greater testing distances each shift compared to push or hand testing, this option fits well between an inspection methodology of hand-held examination and typical higher speed recording.

Together with automated options for towing such as the new diesel hirails, the various configurations make this an outstanding cost-effective alternative compared to lesser performing, dedicated dual rail testers and single rail testers offered in the RFD market.

Electric rail vehicles are also available for environmentally sensitive areas. Apart from these particular tow vehicle options, the operator or rail owner can supply their own tow vehicle.

The HANDWave DRT now stands as arguably the most advanced and competent, truly portable RFD system.