

RM LLC, one of the leading Russian transport infotainment system providers has selected Axinom to build a new digital platform for the Russian Railways´ high speed train Sapsan. The platform will serve all Sapsan high-speed trains commuting between St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Serving the needs of 21st century passenger on-board of the train requires innovative on-board entertainment and infotainment systems. Unlike traditional closed on-board solutions, the new open digital platform will cover the full end-to-end media workflow including content management, digital rights management, synchronisation and delivery services.

Built on top of Axinom’s product portfolio, the new digital platform will embrace the full potential of railway industry-specific technologies empowering RM to provide a variety of on-board services for passengers and to improve operational efficiency of the train’s crew.

There are virtually no limits to the range of services that can be integrated on the digital platform built on Axinom. In the first step however, the feature set will include the full on-board entertainment services such as streaming of premium Hollywood Studio´s movies, magazines, and music, on board shopping, promotions and advertising. In addition, passenger information services will cover passenger surveys and crew messaging services.

"Since December 2009, Sapsan successfully served more than 18 million passengers. This new on-board entertainment and infotainment service will extend the current service offering to passengers on business and personal trips between Moscow & St. Petersburg, "explains Dmitry Krendelev, Director General of RM LLC.

"We chose Axinom as our partner because of their long and proven experience in building railway targeted products for on-board entertainment and infotainment. Digital platform built on Axinom will enable new business models and improve operational performance on-board while allowing us to easily add innovative on-board services in the future."

"It is my great pleasure to see that the new RM´s digital platform built on Axinom will empower Russian Railway´s first high-speed train. The robustness and reliability of this platform will allow the railway customers to increase revenues, reduce operational costs and significantly improve passenger satisfaction," says Ralph Wagner, COO at Axinom. "Our collaboration with RM is a very important strategic step in our expansion to the global railway market. We look forward to extending our partnership with next project steps in the future."

Digital railway platform built on Axinom

Digital platforms built on Axinom approach allow customers to cover the full end-to-end media workflow with a comprehensive set of core products for the usage scenarios in the cloud, on-premises, and offline:

  • Axinom CMS is an extensible and fully customisable content management system designed to manage, prepare and deliver all kinds of digital content and services on-board of the train.
  • Axinom DRM provides studio-grade content protection with is a highly scalable service supporting multiple DRM technologies behind a single unified API.
  • Axinom CDS is a content delivery system which allows secure and robust bidirectional content synchronisation using standardised communication protocols and mediums.