
SNCF, First Group, Crossrail and Israeli Railways will be among the throng of train operators heading to Rail CCTV 2013 on 6-7 November. The conference is the only event to focus directly on the issues facing transport groups and rail authorities as they struggle to make trains and stations more secure and develop new cost-saving systems to capitalise on the emerging generation of IP cameras, new technologies and faster wireless connections.

Rail CCTV 2013 will examine the latest and coming developments that will enable train operators and rail authorities to put their army of cameras to more productive uses. Join now to find out where this multi-million euro industry is heading.

Now in its fourth year, the Rail CCTV Conference will gather the great and the good from across this sector to share problems and solutions direct form the camera face, providing a rare and valuable opportunity for the key players in this sector to meet and debate the latest advancements.

"I have rarely had an occasion to exchange so much knowledge in such a short time as in the Rail CCTV Conference in London."

This year’s conference will have a very high proportion of train companies speaking, to ensure that the audience can hear directly from those involved. This is no mere collection of sales pitches from suppliers. The key transport groups, rail administrators, politicians and industry experts will gather together from across Europe and the rest of the world to discuss the developments in this crucial sector.

Please don’t delay your booking as tickets are selling out fast. If you wish to reserve your place, visit the Rail CCTV 2013 website or simply e-mail

What the industry said about previous conferences:

"I have rarely had an occasion to exchange so much knowledge in such a short time as in the Rail CCTV Conference in London." – Ivan Sørensen European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport

"Last year’s Rail CCTV Conference was packed with exactly the right type of presentations and gave us a great insight into the challenges faced by train operating companies." – Pelco by Schneider Electric

"I have attended a number of events organised by BWCS. What impressed me was the availability of a very highly skilled team of industry experts with them. The team’s wide range of experience and profound wireless industry knowledge have been instrumental in helping us in framing specifications for providing wireless broadband services on our trains, an essential social ingredient of life in India. The events organised by them have been of high technical standard, focus is always on services and products and not on companies, allowing us to choose the best option." – Anshul Gupta, executive director, RailTel, Ministry of Railways, India

The venue for this year’s conference is:

The Crowne Plaza London – The City
19 New Bridge Street
London EC4V 6DB
Phone: +44 (0) 0207 438 8027

We look forward to seeing you in November!