
Will you be visiting Achema 2009? Would you like to find out about the latest products from Schenck Process? Then don’t forget to stop by.

Our headquarters are in Darmstadt, a stone’s throw from Frankfurt. Here, on 11 and 14 May 2009, to coincide with ACHEMA, we will offer you the opportunity to discover Schenck Process ‘up close’. See for yourself in our final assembly area how our high quality standards are applied to high-precision cutting-edge technology.

Test center tour

You can also take a tour of our state-of-the-art, application-based test center. Here, customers can discover under realistic conditions which feeder is best suited to which bulk material. Tests in the four test labs can now be run in parallel without impacting negatively on one another. What is particularly user-friendly is that the test tower allows bulk material to be supplied directly from the street. The interior design of the test center fulfils the highest standards of safety and cleanliness – so those nice smart suits can stay that way.

Come and visit Schenck Process during Achema on 11 May between 1.45pm-6.00pm or on 14 May between 1.45pm-6.00pm. We look forward to seeing you.

Please send registrations directly to Dechema, who will also provide transport to and from the trade fair. Dechema will charge €20 for the plant tour. Alternatively, you can arrange an individual appointment to visit us. Just contact us directly on +49 61 51 15 31 11 19.