
Geotechnical and erosion control specialist Maccaferri is claiming a first for its new CTR range of deformable rock-fall containment barriers. According to Maccaferri, their system is the only one currently available in the UK which carries European ETAG 27 compliance.

ETAG 27 (from the European Technical Approval Guidelines), sets out the minimum standards for the design and testing of rock-fall protection barrier systems used throughout the EU. Independent tests undertaken at the University of Bologna, Italy, proved that the Maccaferri barriers performed to ‘Category A’ standard – the highest standard, as defined in this EU document.

ETAG 27 also forms the basis of the CE approval process, so only rock-fall protection systems which pass ETAG 27 can gain CE approval.

ETAG 27 compliance is already a legal requirement in both France and Italy, where rock-fall protection barriers are extensively used on susceptible slopes to prevent debris falling onto roads, rail lines and other sensitive areas.

CTR rock-fall protection system

Maccaferri’s CTR system, which was designed and developed in conjunction with its Italian parent company, Officine Maccaferri, provides rock-fall protection up to a maximum impact energy of 5,000kJ – the equivalent of stopping a 16.5t lorry travelling at 57mph, within 5.6m.

According to Maccaferri, their barriers are manufactured from high specification materials and components and are supplied to site in prefabricated kits for simple, on-site assembly. The kits come with the majority of connections made in the factory, so installation variables are minimised and reliable long-term performance is assured.

The first UK application of Maccaferri’s new CTR rock-fall barrier system will be by specialist contractors CAN [Scotland] on the A92 trunk road near Newport-on-Tay, Scotland, during August 2008.