
QDVC, the joint venture between Qatari Diar and Vinci Construction Grands Projets, has chosen Mezzoteam’s electronic document system to manage their Lusail development light rail transit (LRT) system project.

The Lusail development LRT system is part of the overall Lusail project being developed by Qatari Diar to create a new city of 200,000 people on 35km² of land to the north of Doha, Qatar.

In particular, the Lusail LRT system project includes:

  • Four tramway operating lines
  • 17.8km of double track at grade
  • 8.2km of single track at grade
  • 6.6km of underground double track
  • 22 stations at grade
  • Seven underground stations
  • One viaduct
  • One depot, maintenance/storage facility
  • Thirty tramway vehicles utilising catenary-free technology

See company profile for more details.