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Showing 20 results out of 10000

Line operated by Queensland Rail

Tilt train technology has been introduced to eastern Australia in June 2003 following completion of Queensland Rail’s (QR) A$590m project to…


Swiss Tilting Trains

SBB/CFF/FFS, the operator of Switzerland’s rail network has implemented major improvements in the services it offers to its rapidly-growing passenger…


Finland Pendolino Tilting Trains

Finland’s rail administration underwent a substantial reorganisation in 1995, when the Ratahallintokeskus (RHK), or Finnish Rail Administration, was created as…


Shanghai Metro

The economic boom in Shanghai, which has a population of around 19 million and growing (UN estimates 23.4 million by…



German Railways (Deutsche Bahn – DB) is now a major player in European high-speed rail travel with its Inter City…


Alaris Tilting Trains

The Spanish Railways’ (RENFE) summer 1999 timetable marked the introduction of the first tilting trains on the busy route between…


Kowloon-Canton Railway

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the neighbouring Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in southern China represent one of the…


Parramatta-Chatswood Rail Link

Sydney is one of hundreds of rapidly growing cities around the world that has realised the value of new rail…


Turin Metro

The Italian city of Turin is regarded as the industrial heart of the country, and is home to Fiat, one…


Potsdam Light Rail

Potsdam, in the former East Germany, is the first European city to adopt the standard new tram design by that…


Lille VAL

Capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region, Lille is France’s fourth largest metropolitan area. The city has a population of…


Line 14 Automatic Metro, Paris

As well as being the principal component of its urban public transport system, the Metro is a long-standing symbol of…



Thalys is a cross-border, high-speed passenger service that centres on the Brussels Midi station, linking the Belgian capital to Amsterdam,…


London Underground Jubilee Line

Construction of the extension of London Underground’s Jubilee Line from Green Park, through south London and Docklands to Stratford, proved…