MTM Power GmbH, a specialist in individual power supplies, offers in its extensive programme of standard industrial converters a type in a DIL 24 case with an output power of 5W to 6W. Outstanding feature is the isolation voltage of 6.0kV.
Besides their compact design the PMD5UD-6kV converters are characterised by a 4:1 ultra wide input range. The PMD5UD-6kV is available with a nominal input voltage of 24VDC (9VDC to 36VDC) or 48VDC (18VDC to 72VDC) and output voltages of 5V, 12V or ±12V, ±15V. They are working at a temperature range of -40°C to 71°C and the transient response time is under 500µs. They have a high efficiency up to 85.5% and are built in a non-conductive black plastic case.
Further technical features are low ripple and noise, an internal input π-filter, undervoltage lockout and continuous short circuit protection.