Dysten’s portfolio will include the next implementation of a train information display system. This time, the Zabrza company has accepted the order to produce, distribute, assemble, and launch a comprehensive real-time passenger information system for the premium passenger station. According to the PKP PLK (national railway), Poland has 18 such facilities. These are the country’s largest and most prominent stations. They service international, interstate, and regional traffic, as well as being key city and regional transportation hubs. Travellers may expect the best service, the largest selection of varied places, and a comprehensive range of commercial services from the highest-ranked facilities.
Dysten has built more than 150 Dynamic Passenger Information System displays and a complete public address system covering the whole station to fulfil the highest standards of passenger service at the Premium facility.
Passengers are thus well informed about the intricacies of their travel, regardless of where they are.
Passenger information and the announcement system are located in three zones: at the entrance to the station, in tunnels and underground passages, and on the station platforms.
Production, delivery, installation, and operation of Visual Information System devices include 74 next train platform displays, 13 Info kiosks, 32 free standing train arrival and departure information displays, 20 peron entrance displays, 12 arrival and departures collective displays, 16 train movement sensors, and five peron clocks. The Announcement System includes the broadcasting system controller, with amplifiers, microphone desks, 203 tube speakers at perons, 55 column speakers in tunnels, and 36 ANS Sensors.
The Central Dynamic Passenger Information System and its related infrastructure adhere to the Ipi-6 PKP PLK (Polish Railways) specifications.
The equipment was installed on a newly upgraded station. The station’s main building is merely waiting for a significant refurbishment.
DYSTEN has extensive experience in implementing complex dynamic passenger information system for railways projects, finely tuned to the needs of the investor and the location. We encourage you to contact an expert who will help you build your system in an optimal way.